Eugene Porter, Mft, Eugene Porter, Mft, Eugene Porter, Mft, 444 34th St, #4, Oakland, CA, , mental health, Medical - Mental, psychological health, memory, depression, , mental, doctor, shrink, psychologist, disease, sick, heal, test, biopsy, cancer, diabetes, wound, broken, bones, organs, foot, back, eye, ear nose throat, pancreas, teeth
Eugene Porter, Mft, Eugene Porter, Mft, Eugene Porter, Mft, 444 34th St, #4, Oakland, CA, , mental health, Medical - Mental, psychological health, memory, depression, , mental, doctor, shrink, psychologist, disease, sick, heal, test, biopsy, cancer, diabetes, wound, broken, bones, organs, foot, back, eye, ear nose throat, pancreas, teeth

444 34th St, #4
Oakland, CA 94609, United States United States Flag
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(510) 652-4213     (Tell them, you found them on WebPageDepot)

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Eugene Porter, Mft Professionally

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Eugene Porter, Mft Reprocessing

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Eugene Porter, Mft Wheelchairs

Eugene Porter, Mft Wheelchairs

Welcome to Eugene Porter, Mft

Psychotherapist in Oakland, CA

In the many years since 1984, I have learned and taught about how to address trauma and its many manifestation. Treatment approaches include Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), sensorimotor and somatic awareness strategies, Gestalt therapy, Cognitive behavioral work, Mindfulness, subjective and intersubjective communication and dreamwork. I have been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 1984. After my undergraduate degree, I worked in Social services and Education in New York, before moving to California and working for 7 years in the Mental Health System with severely mentally ill adults and adolescents. This is where I was first exposed to the basics of family therapy psycho-pharmacology. This experience motivated me to get graduate training and licensed as an MFT. I received my Masters Degree in clinical psychology from Antioch University in 1983. I did my internship at Parental Stress Services with one of the first acknowledged populations of Male sexual abuse victims. Since this issue had not been publicly acknowledged before this point, there was virtually nothing in the clinical literature on strategies for treating this population. So I helped to develop the first clinical groups and treatment strategies for treating men and boys who had been sexually abused. In 1986, I authored “Treating the Young Male Victim of Sexual Assault”, which was the first text to address the challenge of treating adolescent and adult males who had been traumatized in this way. When I began my licensed clinical practice I specialized in working with Male sexual abuse and rape survivors. Due to the complexity of this issue, the work expanded into a range of areas, including trauma, adolescent development, chemical dependency, family and couples treatment and child therapy. In the many years since 1984, I have learned and taught about how to address trauma and its many manifestation. Treatment approaches include Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), sensorimotor and somatic awareness strategies, Gestalt therapy, Cognitive behavioral work, Mindfulness, subjective and intersubjective communication and dreamwork.

Eugene Porter, Mft is located at 444 34th St, #4. Oakland, CA US. Eugene Porter, Mft is a Mental health type of business.

At Eugene Porter, Mft you will always find the Mental Health you are looking for. Eugene Porter, Mft is very reliable when it comes to PTSD Therapy service. Another service offered is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for your convenience. This location also handles Cognitive Behavioral Work for your convenience. Be glad you chose this place, as the Mental health reviews are fantastic. This is the place to be. As this is a licensed location, your needs will be met professionally. Eugene Porter, Mft is rated a 4 star place.

Eugene Porter, Mft offers a very inviting appearance. At Eugene Porter, Mft you will always find the Mental Health you are looking for. As an individual practise, this place may cater to a specified need. Eugene Porter, Mft's size is suitable, providing plenty of service to each customer. This venture may cater to children although it is not mentioned online.

This location may be suitable for wheelchairs, but WebPage Depot could not verify. Eugene Porter, Mft is a very clean place. The lighting is fine at this venture. It is easy to see around. Call ahead to let us know when you will be arriving.

Parking is fine here.

This individual is happy to share something about themselves here. If the phone number and address is shared.(510) 652-4213.

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