Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah
Hours Today:

2125 W Okeechobee Rd
Hialeah, FL 33010, United States View Map
(305) 888-4020 (Tell them, you found them on WebPageDepot)
Welcome to Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah
Unlock your greatest fantasy at Executive Fantasy Hotels. It's okay to come inside...
Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah is located at 2125 W Okeechobee Rd. Hialeah, FL US. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah is a Hotel offering comfortable and safe lodging.
Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah Hotel, has been in business since 2012. This hotel is comfortable and should provide all the required amenities. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah offers a very inviting appearance. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah has a very appealing decor. WPD could not verify if there was a host or hostess to greet you.
Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah is a very clean site. Ask this site for the WiFi password for your use. This site provides TV for you entertainment. Enjoy the sun while laying poolside at this site. Laundry services are provided at this site.
This site is one business in a chain, which could mean that "things" will be more standardized with availability and quality the same every time. This is the place to be! The reviews are fantastic! One of Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah's most frequent benefits is their love suite service. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah offers some of the best hotel available. The staff are top notch. They will attend to your every need. The place is more suited for adults than children. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah is happy to accommodate large groups. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah does not offer a rewards card. The friendly bartenders' will take care of all your drink needs.
Sorry, at this time this site is not suitable for wheelchairs. The prices at Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah are relevant to the service or product you request, because you deserve the best. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah does not offer catering at this time. This place can hold a reasonable amount of people, just right to cater to everyone. There are no rental facilities offered at this site. Parking is a bit of a walk here. Parking is fine here. Executive Palace Hotel - Hialeah has bike parking facilities.
Come on by or give us a call during business hours if you have questions (305) 888-4020.
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WebPage Depot does make some assumptions, trustingly, for the benefit of the client. We write everything from a positive viewpoint. Our goal is to ascend the visibility/ranking on this site to the highest level possible. Improvements to ranking come with additional relevant content. To continue this effort, we will need aid from the client, i.e., menus/list of services, specials, current pictures and videos and additional text for the Welcome Message.