Hours Today: Thu:Closed, Closed

  • Mon:Closed, Closed
  • Tue:3:00am-7:00am
  • Wed:Closed, Closed
  • Thu:Closed, Closed
  • Fri:3:00am-7:00am
  • Sat:Closed, Closed
  • Sun:Closed, Closed
Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando, Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando, Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando, 7657 Turkey Lake Road, Orlando, Florida, Orange County, Early childhood education, Educ - Pre School, entry-level training, love of learning, Top Ranked Programs, , Educ Pre School, little kids, babies, class, play ground, nursery, schools, education, educators, edu, class, students, books, study, courses, university, grade school, elementary, high school, preschool, kindergarten, degree, masters, associate, technical
Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando, Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando, Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando, 7657 Turkey Lake Road, Orlando, Florida, Orange County, Early childhood education, Educ - Pre School, entry-level training, love of learning, Top Ranked Programs, , Educ Pre School, little kids, babies, class, play ground, nursery, schools, education, educators, edu, class, students, books, study, courses, university, grade school, elementary, high school, preschool, kindergarten, degree, masters, associate, technical

7657 Turkey Lake Road
Orlando, Florida 32819, United States United States Flag
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(407) 363-2939     (Tell them, you found them on WebPageDepot)

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Professionals

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Professionals

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Webpagedepot

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Webpagedepot

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Informative

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Informative

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Accommodate

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Accommodate

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Regulations

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando Regulations

Welcome to Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando


Welcome to our Kumon Math and Reading Center. For more than 60 years, Kumon’s after-school academic enrichment program has helped children achieve success worldwide. We strive to instill in children the desire to achieve and the motivation to learn on their own. Whether your child is seeking enrichment, needs help catching up or is just beginning his or her academic career, Kumon is designed to help him or her develop a love of learning. Students advance through the program at their own pace. Our emphasis on individualized learning helps your child become focused, motivated and self-reliant. We monitor each child’s progress to ensure comprehension before moving on to a new concept. With a strong academic foundation, critical thinking and problem solving abilities, your child has the potential to achieve whatever he or she desires.

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando is located at 7657 Turkey Lake Road. Orlando, Florida US. Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando is an Early childhood education type of business. Your service will be given by professionals as this is a certified, licensed establishment. Yes, children are welcome at this business. Elementary student ages are normally around 5 or 6 to 11 or 12 Midle school-age children are usually 12 to 15 years of age, depending on the state.

Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando looks about average as you walk up. Be glad you chose this place, as the Early childhood education reviews are fantastic. This is the place to be. Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando will take care of all your Academic enrichment needs. The lighting is fine at this premises. It is easy to see around. Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando business can accommodate your wheelchair needs and meets all proper regulations for entrance, seating, and restrooms (if provided). This business has the means to support a large quantity of customers. There are no rental facilities offered at this business. Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando is happy to accommodate large groups. A senior discount may be available at this location. Bring your ID. WebPage Depot could not verify a discount for military personnel however have your ID ready. Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando is reasonably priced to accommodate all your needs. They fit your budget. Parking is fine here. Park your bike here, as there are facilities to park a bike.

Come on by or give us a call during business hours if you have questions (407) 363-2939. Most of the reviews here at Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips - Orlando comment positively on course.

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WebPage Depot does make some assumptions, sanguinely, for the benefit of the client. We write everything from a positive aspect. Our goal is to move-up the visibility/ranking on this site to the highest level possible. Improvements to ranking come with additional relevant content. To continue this effort, we will need aid from the client, i.e., menus/list of services, specials, current pictures and videos and additional text for the Welcome Message.

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